
Graphic of many coloured raised hands and the word Volunteer

Robert Gordon University Seeks Volunteers with Lived Experience, Including Carers

Robert Gordon University (RGU) is a highly acclaimed university in Aberdeen supporting 16,000 students through a number of undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications. The School of Applied Social Studies, which delivers all the Social Work and Mental Health Officer training, is looking for volunteers with lived experience of different disabilities or health conditions, including carers, to get involved in the work of the School. The Lived Experience and Carer volunteer group is facilitated by lecturers in the School of Applied Social Studies.

Lived Experience and Carer volunteers can get involved with a wide range of student activity across Undergraduate and Postgraduate Social Work and the Mental Health Officer Award courses at Robert Gordon University. The volunteers are there to support not replace the lecturers. Bringing the perspective of someone with a lived experience into the recruitment, support or teaching of students can really enhance students’ learning and broaden their understanding of complex issues, leading them to
develop better skills for their professional practice.

The Lived Experience team are keen to recruit people with lived experience of sight loss, hearing loss and Deafness, deafblindness and dual sensory loss, as well as carers. The need for volunteers is dependent on the demands of the course, and group facilitators would endeavour to meet with you first to see where your interests lie and match your skills, experiences and interests to existing roles. Volunteers have previously taken part in student admission interviews, practical assessments of the students and teaching in some subjects.

If you would like to be involved in the Lived Experience and Carers group at the School of Applied
Social Studies, or if you would like some more details, please contact one of the team below.

If you have a Lived Experience, email one of the contacts below:

  • Alyson Hill –
  • Sarah Ferguson –

If you are a carer, email one of the contacts below:

  • Isobel Townsend –
  • Alistair Logan –
  • Or you can phone Alyson Hill on 01224 263240.

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